We provide the support needed to transform ideas into thriving ventures.
The essence of HandHolding® is the oxygenation of bright business ideas, dead or dying businesses and ongoing concerns including government institutions. HandHolding®, therefore, satisfies this essence through an end-to-end strategic partnership that goes beyond mere financial capital. The HandHolding process recognizes that all resources that are critical to strategic oxygenation are in every sense a form of capital.
These include human factors (human capital), intellectual factor (knowledge capital), social capital as well as the traditional capital. Entrepreneurially combined, they unearth and create opportunities which executed appropriately provide strong means of gaining competitive advantage. The HandHolding process deploys all necessary forms of capital in full-featured recursive four-steps that results in maximum sustainable profitable performance (oxygenation).
Comprehensive arrays of stress and other tests to determine its potential survival status.
Stakeholders generate, share and blend ideas for addressing concerns earlier identified.
Determine adequate financing gaps, requirements & structure to achieve result.
We design & implement robust performance management system to ensure objectives are met.
Broadly speaking, HandHolding® follows a typical medical treatment procedure. Characteristically, medical management begins with the rigorous and expert diagnosis of a patient’s condition (diagnosis). Thereafter, the results of the diagnosis are evaluated and interpreted by the medical practitioner who may need to further discuss the outcomes with other experts. The discussion will lead to the delineation of a definitive plan for the patient’s treatment and may comprise an estimate of how much it will require in order to successfully return the patient to full health (ideation).
The patient on the other hand then raises and pays the required amount and is then placed under full medical management (financing). Care-delivery will generally comprise the administration of needed drugs and the monitoring/measurement of the performance of the patient until full and sustained recovery is achieved (performance management). HandHolding®, therefore, mimics this process and use the same model to carefully and comprehensively provide the support and needed guidance to firms during the learning process and periods of change.
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