
Transforming concepts into actionable plans through innovative and creative thinking.

From Idea Spark to Brainstorming

At the Plan phase, minds are put together to brainstorm and deliver feasible solutions based on the outcomes of phases one and two. More persons ordinarily mean more processing power. Best ideas are ones that come from a flash of inspiration, usually randomly, and usually alone. However, the cumulative work of team brainstorming adds a few new dimensions – such as idea revision and blending, that compensate for the natural disadvantages of solo idea generation.


In general, brainstorming is a strategy for creative productivity that ultimately leads to effective solution provision. Generated solution ideas are therefore financed and implemented in the subsequent phases. Below is the graphical illustration of the ideation process. Ideally, the ideation process starts by taking in the outcomes of the diagnalytics phase as inputs for further processing. The brainstorming process considers these from four critical perspectives: problem perspectives, the points of view of brainstormers, insights gained and the blueprints for a sustainable resolution of observed challenges. These ideas are further tested using our evaluative criteria. If they pass, they are moved up to the finance and execute phase otherwise they are reprocessed.

The Ideation Process

Goals of The Ideation Process

The following are the goals of the ideation:

Ideation | Key M&E Indicators

1 Quantity Total number of ideas generated
2 Quality Feasibility of generated ideas
Closeness of generated ideas to meet design specifications
3 Variety Exploration of the design space during the idea generation phase
Degree of similarities in generated ideas
4 Novelty Degree of distinctiveness or uniqueness of idea relative to other ideas
Novelty density (share of highly distinctive ideas to the totality of ideas presented)